Designs launchingafterJuly 14, 2021, please referencethe latest release of Spark.


A Button represents an action or choice for the user.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


Buttons are the main actionable items on a page. Buttons typically trigger a new UI element to appear on the page and are essential to submitting forms, beginning a new task, or navigating to the next step in a process.


  • Effective Button text uses precise, task-specific action verbs like: “Add”, “Remove”, “Read Details”, and “Submit”. Avoid ambiguous words like “Yes”, “No”, “OK”, and “Click Here”.
  • Effective Button text is less than 20 characters.
  • All button text should be in title case (capitalize the first letter of each word).
  • Button text should never wrap to a second line.
  • Button width should not exceed 280px.
  • For navigational actions that appear within a line of text, use Link instead of Button.


Primary Button

The most important action on the page should use Primary Button. Effective action flows contain one Primary Button per page.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.

Secondary Button

A Secondary Button typically represents the highest priority alternative to the Primary Button. There can be more than one on a page and can depict similar or different actions.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.

Tertiary Button

A Tertiary Button represents the lowest prioritized action on a page. They are typically used in a Modal to cancel a choice. They look like a text Link but have the same padding and focus rules as other Buttons.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.



A Disabled Button represents an action that is not currently available for the user. They imply that the Button would be available, given a certain set of circumstances. Since a user cannot interact with this button, consider if it’s necessary to show the disabled button at all. Otherwise, make it clear in the interface why a button is Disabled.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


When data is being saved or submitted, a loading indicator may replace the Button text.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.

Secondary Button Loading

When data is being saved or submitted, a loading indicator may replace the Button text.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.

Full Width at Smaller Viewports

At small viewport sizes, a Button may be used at full width.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


  • A Button must contain text and/or an Icon


  • If a Button only includes an Icon with no text, alternative text must be provided.