Designs launchingafterJuly 14, 2021, please referencethe latest release of Spark.

Installing Spark in an Angular Project

This guide will walk you through installing and using Spark on an existing Angular application. For help with setting up the necessary development environment, see the Angular CLI Overview.

By the end of this, you’ll have all the Spark JavaScript and CSS available in your application to start building components.

Note: This covers setting up Spark for Angular 7, 8 and 9. Spark doesn’t currently support Angular JS.

Before you begin, make sure that:

  • You have a functioning Angular app similar to the one in the Angular CLI Overview
  • Sass is installed and functioning
  • Angular Routing is installed (not required by Angular CLI, but it is required for Spark)

Installing Spark Packages

  1. Start by going to your project directory and installing spark and spark-angular by pasting the following line in a command line application.
npm install -save-dev @sparkdesignsystem/spark @sparkdesignsystem/spark-angular
  1. Edit app.module.ts to import the spark-angular library and also the BrowserAnimationsModule, and include them in @NgModule's imports array. This file can be found in your-app/src/app.
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { SparkAngularModule } from '@sparkdesignsystem/spark-angular';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
  1. Next, edit styles.scss to @import the Spark stylesheet. This file can be found in your-app/src.
@import "node_modules/@sparkdesignsystem/spark/spark.scss"

Note: Importing Spark SCSS at the component level can lead to unexpected behavior.

  1. Then, add the sprk-u-JavaScript CSS class to the root <html> element in your application. Usually, the <html> element is in the index.html file.

  2. Back on the command line, build and run your new application by running npm run start and opening http://localhost:4200/ in your web browser. When Angular builds, Spark’s styles will be processed and bundled into the application.

You can verify that Spark’s styles are being included by opening your browser’s developer tools and inspecting the DOM. There should be a <style> tag in the <head> that includes Spark’s styles.

Screenshot of DOM with Spark Styles

Adding Angular Components

Now that everything is building, let’s add a component to your application that will allow us to test that both Spark’s styles and functionality are working. We’ll use the Loading Button component to do this. You can find code for all Spark components at

  1. Copy the sample code inside app.component.html.

This file can be found in your-app/src/app. You can delete everything in this file other than the final line (<router-outlet></router-outlet>) .


You should now see a Spark Button in your application! It might look slightly cropped, but that’s OK. It’s because we don’t yet have any layout on the page.

  1. Now, let’s add some TypeScript to trigger the Spinner behavior. Copy this code into the AppComponent class inside app.component.ts. This file can be found in your-app/src/app.
export class AppComponent {
submitSpinning = false;
checkSpinner(event): void {
if (!this.submitSpinning) {
setSpinning(, {});
this.submitSpinning = true;
  1. Finally, import the setSpinning utility function from the Spark library. This goes at the top of your component’s .ts file, in our case app.component.ts.
import { setSpinning } from '@sparkdesignsystem/spark';
  1. Head back to your web browser and click the Spark Button that you added earlier. If everything's working correctly, the text should be replaced with an animated spinner.
A Spark Button Spinner component.

You did it!

You now have a development environment set up with Spark installed, and you’re ready to start building! For Spark support, email the Spark team with any questions and we’ll respond as quickly as possible.

Additional Topics

Check out these guides for more information on setting up Spark: