Designs launchingafterJuly 14, 2021, please referencethe latest release of Spark.


The Masthead component provides a consistent way to convey brand identity. It contains the logo and navigation elements for the application.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


Nearly all applications should have a Masthead at the top of every page. An example of an exception would be a marketing landing page with a unique design.

On wide viewports, the Masthead is fixed to the top of the screen. As the user scrolls, content moves under the Masthead. On narrow viewports, when the user scrolls, the Masthead moves off the top of the screen. When the user scrolls back up the page, the Masthead returns into view for easy access.


  • There is room for flexibility inside of the Masthead so you can combine navigation with other functionality (e.g. search, phone numbers, settings, etc.). Avoid trying to add too many additional features that may overwhelm or confuse the user.


Default Masthead

The Default Masthead is the most compact way to convey brand identity and provide basic navigation and other features.

  • The number of navigation items that can be used in the Default Masthead is only limited by what can fit on a single row on wide viewports.
  • When the number of navigation items is too large to fit in one row, the Extended Masthead must be used instead.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.

Extended Masthead

The Extended Masthead moves the navigation items to a separate row. This allows for more navigation items to be used and additional features to be added to the first row.

  • The number of navigation items in the Extended Masthead should be a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


  • Masthead must have a logo
  • Masthead may include navigation
  • Masthead has space for optional features e.g. phone number, sign in button, account menu, account selector, etc.