Designs launchingafterJuly 14, 2021, please referencethe latest release of Spark.


Pagination breaks related content or data into multiple pages and allows a client to navigate through them.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


Use Pagination when splitting related content or a large set of data into smaller chunks across several pages will make the content easier to consume.


  • Pagination only includes navigation elements for paging and does not manipulate data or control the display of a data grid; this control is used only to provide navigation and to indicate the current page and number of pages.



The Default variant displays back and forward Icon chevrons as well as page numbers for each page. If there are more than 3 pages, ellipses (…) are used to condense the component and make it more readable while still showing the first, last, and current pages.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


The Pager variant does not include page numbers and only includes Icon chevrons for navigating forwards and backwards between pages. Pager should be used when you want the client to only navigate in sequential order.

Developer Documentation

Information on how to implement this component is available for the following technologies.


  • Pagination must have Icon chevrons for incrementally navigating forward or backward between pages.
  • Default Pagination must have page numbers for navigating to specific pages
  • Pagination must include an ellipsis (…) indicating hidden pages when there are more than 3 pages.


  • Users can navigate to the control using the keyboard and are able to activate the Icon chevrons and page numbers using the ENTER or SPACE keys.
  • The component is correctly identified and interpreted by screen reader technology.
  • Each page number is correctly identified and interpreted by screen reader technology.
  • The current page number includes the aria-current attribute.
  • The Icon chevrons are correctly identified by screen reader technology.